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Lesson 8

HTML Page Conclusion

This page discussed how to create a simple HTML page using the information and techniques you learned in this module.
The module covered:
  1. File naming and directory structure considerations for your Web site
  2. The different editors used to create Web pages
  3. How to structure HTML pages with empty and container tags
  4. The purpose and use of META tags
  5. How to create a basic HTML page using tags
You might want to explore some of the many resources available on the Internet for building HTML pages. Two to start with are the htmlgoodies.

Question: Is Google currently working on a HTML specification which would be a successor of HTML 5?
No, Google is not currently working on a specific HTML 6 specification. In fact, the concept of a new major HTML version like "HTML 6" has been abandoned.
Here's the reason:
  • HTML is now a living standard: The organization responsible for HTML, the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG), decided to move away from numbered versions in 2014. Instead, HTML is now continuously developed and updated through a living standard document. This means new features and capabilities are continually added and refined without the need for a major version leap.
  • Focus on backwards compatibility: Introducing a new major version like HTML 6 could pose significant compatibility issues, disrupting websites and web applications built on the existing HTML 5 foundation. Maintaining backwards compatibility is a top priority, and the living standard approach allows for smoother evolution without breaking websites.
  • Continuous innovation: New features and improvements are constantly being proposed and implemented in the living standard. For example, recent additions include Web Components, the Fetch API, and the Shadow DOM. This ongoing development process ensures that HTML stays relevant and adaptable to emerging technologies and needs.
So, while Google remains a key player in the development of HTML through its involvement in WHATWG, it's not working on a separate "HTML 6" project. Instead, you can expect ongoing additions and refinements to the existing living standard, catering to the ever-evolving web landscape.


The following terms were introduced in this module:
  1. HTML document: An unformatted ASCII text file used to build Web pages.
  2. Text editor: An editor that composes HTML code and outputs ASCII text. It is one of three types of editors used to create HTML files.
  3. Container tags: An HTML tag used to specify sections of text and to separate the heading from the body.
  4. Empty tags: An HTML tag that does not refer to specific sections of text and does not require closing tags. Examples of empty tags include tags used to create line breaks and horizontal rules.
  5. META tags: Empty tags used to record information about an HTML document; for example, information about the author of a Web page.

Your final exercise in this module will be to create an HTML page and view the result in your browser. In the next module, you will learn how to create Web-based applications.

Creating Html Page - Exercise

Click the Exercise link below to begin creating an HTML page.
Creating Html Page - Exercise

HTML Tag Review - Quiz

Click the Quiz link below to review the HTML tags covered in this module.
HTML Tag Review - Quiz

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