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Lesson 4Registering a copyright
Objective Describe the advantages of registering a copyright.

Registering a Copyright

When you create Web pages and send email, the contents are technically protected as soon as you create them. However, if you actually want to sue someone for using your material without permission, you must first obtain a copyright registration. A copyright registration is a legal document that proves you are the author of the content. Under the law, if you obtain a registration within three months after publication of the work or prior to an infringement of the work, statutory damages and attorney's fees will be available to you as the copyright owner in court actions. Otherwise, you only will be awarded actual damages and profits.

United States Copyright Office Website

Generating Synthetic Examples

As computers become faster, the other way of putting in knowledge, which is by generating synthetic examples, begins to look better. Generating synthetic examples allows optimization to discover clever ways of using the multilayer network that we did not think of. In fact, we might never fully understand how the multilayer network does it. If we just want good solutions to a problem, generating synthetic examples may be appropriate. Using the idea of synthetic data, there is a brute force approach to handwritten digit recognition. Lenet5 uses knowledge about invariances to design the connectivity and the weight sharing and the pooling that achieves about 80 errors. Adding additional techniques including synthetic data, Ranzato 2008 was able to get the results down to about 40 errors.
A group in Switzerland led by Juergen Schmidhuber implemented this on a large scale with injecting knowledge by putting in synthetic data. They worked on creating instructive synthetic data. For every real training case, they transformed it to make more training examples. They then trained a large neural net with many units per layer using many layers on a graphic processor unit. The graphics processor unit gave them a factor of thirteen computation, and because of all the synthetic data they put in, it did not overfit. If they just use a large neural net with a GPU, it would have been a disaster that would have over fitted terribly, that would have performed fine on the training data and performed terribly on the test data.

Registering a website for copyright

Registration in the U.S. Copyright Office

The moment the original work is created and "fixed in a tangible medium of expression", copyright law protects it, even if it is never federally registered. Although copyright law protects an original and creative work, filing for the registration in the U.S. Copyright Office is a prerequisite for initiating a legal claim for copyright infringement in the federalcourt system. The courts have held that the registration requirement is a jurisdictional prerequisite to an infringement suit. In the next lesson, you will learn how trademarks and service marks are used.

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