Internet Business Strategist
Processes such as obtaining attorney reviews, negotiating permissions, and designing accounting systems can take a great deal of time.
Identify these issues early and manage them closely during the development phases of website planning.
Business Law
Business law governs business and commerce in both the private and public (government) sectors. It provides a legal framework for businesscreatation and organization, and for conducting business. Business law covers a wide variety of topics relating to corporations, partnerships, limited partnerships, franchises, and limited liability companies. It involves issues such as fiduciary relationships, closely held corporations, shares and stockholders, directors and officers, dissolution and receivership, franchise relationships, management duties and liabilities, mergers and acquisitions, securities, and antitrust.
If you have a logo, business name, or even an invention, you need to protect it.
The steps involved in filing for patents, trademarks or copyrights are covered in this section, along with additional resources that can help you safeguard your intellectual properties, such as having employees or vendors sign non-disclosure agreements.
- Understand Intellectual Property and How to Protect your Business: This business guide from is an essential starting point for understanding your intellectual property rights and finding the right protection for your business.
- Applying for a Patent: Learn more about how to apply for a patent through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
- Registering a Trademark or Service Mark:Find out how to file for trademark or service mark protection for your business name, symbols and logos.
- Copyright your Work: Books, movies, digital works, and musical recordings are all examples of copyrighted works.
Refer to this guide from U.S. Copyright Office for more information on what protection copyright affords and the process of copyrighting your work.