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Incorporate e-business into Existing Services - Exercise

Manufacturing and Technical Implications

Objective: Identify and explain the risks of under resourcing for a given scenario.


This exercise is worth a total of 5 points. To receive full credit, you will need to provide a report describing the possible effects of budget cuts so that decisions can be made as to where these should be made. Once you have completed your answer you will submit the answer into cyberspace.

Background and Overview

As in the exercises in Modules 2, 3, and 4, you are the e-business architect for an online grocery store. You have previously proposed an e-businesssolution that was approved by the executive; the project to implement your solution has started. However, the project budget has just been cut by 20 percent from the original agreed-upon budget due to a mid-year financial review within the enterprise. You and the Project Manager have already presented a case to the executive to reinstate the get but have failed to persuade him/her. Having accepted the inevitability of the reduced budget, you have now been asked to provide a report detailing the possible effects of cuts in various aspects of the project budget so that decisions on where the cuts will be implemented can be made.


Based on what you know, your task will be to do the following:
Provide a report describing the possible effects of cuts in each of the following budgets:
  1. Operations staff and systems
  2. Marketing
  3. Systems Build
  4. Training


You should generalize your answers/statements based on the course text thus far. This exercise should not require the invention of real-world data to assist it. The purpose of this exercise is to evaluate how well you have understood the risks of under resourcing each area of the e-businessproject and operation.

Submitting your exercise

Enter your answer into the text box below. Click the Submit button to submit your answer.