Bounce Rate Google Analytics
- For the "Content by Title" section, how do you determine whether the bounce rate is positive or negative for an individual site?
- Select "Content by Title" under the content section.
- Select "Comparison View" which appears before "Pivot".
- From left to right, you should see the following columns listed.
1) Page Title 2) Page Views 3) PageViews Change Column 3 Page Views to "Bounce".
- What is one way of analyzing trends beneath the "Content" section?
a) Select "Top Content", b) This display will show you on which days you had the most page views
1. To compare the metrics a) Pageviews b) Pages/Visit, you have to be at the "Visitors" tab, select "Overview". For the 'Graph Mode", select "Compare Two Metrics"
- Pageviews on the left
- Pages/Visit on the right.
- In Google Analytics Terminology, what is the difference between Visits and Visitors?
Analytics measures both visits and visitors in your account. Visits represent the number of individual sessions initiated by all the visitors to your site. If a user is inactive on your site for 30 minutes or more, any future activity
will be attributed to a new session. Users that leave your site and return within 30 minutes will be counted as part of the original session. The initial session by a user during any given date range is considered to be an additional visit and an additional visitor.
Any future sessions from the same user during the selected time period are counted as additional visits, but not as additional visitors.
- What does the term "Recency" indicate under the "Visitor Loyalty" section of Google Analytics indicate?
The report isn't about users, or unique users. It is about sessions.
If you have any doubt, look at the column with the numbers in it.
When you click on "Visitor Loyalty", beneath that you have a tab that says Recency.
For the column "Total Visits by period" add up all the visits for each row.
Now go to the "Visitor Trending" > "Visits" report under the "Visitors" section. The number displayed there should be the same number as was calculated in the first step above.
Why You Should Shift Your Focus From Customer Acquisition to customer retention.
- If a visitor bounces after one page, what is their time on the site?
'0:00'. The way that Google Analytics calculates average time on site is by subtracting the timestamps between the first and the last pageview of a visit. If a visitor to your site bounced, they by definition only had one pageview. Therefore it is impossible to calculate an average time on site for visitors that bounced because they did not have a second pageview.
There is no way for Google Analytics to know exactly when a visitor left the site since no information is sent back to GA when the visitor closes their browser or navigates to a different site.
- Where can you find the "length of visit" report?
"Length of Visit" is now called amount of average session duration.
- What are "referring" sites?
Any site that links to your site.
- Did the traffic help you achieve the goals that you set for your site?
Question: What are the goals of your site, for example what type of business model exists for your website.
What does it mean when a referring site that sent traffic to the target site has a high bounce rate (88%)?
A bounce rate this high suggests that the (target) site is not relevant to what the visitor is looking for.
- How can one view Custom Reports in Google Analytics?
To access your Custom Reports:
- Sign in to Google Analytics.
- Navigate to your view.
- Open Reports.
- Click Customization.
Bounce Rate
I am fond of measuring Bounce Rate for several reasons:
- It is a metric that is available as a standard metric in pretty much all tools. (In cases like Omniture, where it is not, you can still easily compute it.)
- It is really hard to misunderstand what Bounce Rate measures.
- It is actionable on multiple levels, especially at identifying the low-hanging "fix me now" fruit.
- It measures customer behavior, perhaps the most holy of the holy goals in